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Day 4: Emotional Awareness 🙃

Today we will focus on understanding how your trauma may have affected your emotional wellbeing, and what are your avoidance triggers. Press record whenever you are ready.

  • How would you rate your average daily mood, tolerance and patience towards others?

  • How would you describe your level of skepticism towards positive outcomes or life events?

  • When you hear the word FORGIVENESS, how does it make you feel?

  • What have you learnt about yourself through reflecting on your past trauma? Focus on the areas of personal growth.

  • Are there any situations in which you have to actively avoid thinking about your trauma?

  • What type of activities do you normally do to avoid thinking about your trauma? Is that actually helpful to you? 

  • In an ideal world, what would you like to gain or overcome from actively thinking about your past trauma?

Thank you for opening up a little bit further. Reflecting on how you face or avoid emotional triggers is a powerful tool for your own personal development. 

"Avoiding your triggers isn't healing. Healing happens when you're triggered and you're able to move through the pain, the pattern, and the story - and walk your way to a different ending." - Vienna Pharaon

Take things at your own pace but remember that: you are brave, you are the sunshine in your own world, and you are powerful. 💪🏼