Audio Journal your Perfect Week in Advance 💯


A perfect week means something different to each person. And just by saying things out loud you won’t get everything you want, but it definitely increases the likelihood of things actually happening. 🗣 🤳

For many, a perfect week consists of an idyllic balance between professional achievements and self-care activities. Sustaining relationships, hitting work targets, baking something nice, or even unwinding into complete silence. 🎂

Whilst it may seem that a perfect week is something that occurs organically, through time blocking  and goal-setting you can allow yourself to realise which parts of the week require further focus on wellbeing. 🧮

Ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. What is your main priority for the upcoming week? ☺

  2. How much time have you blocked to focus on your wellbeing? 🛌

  3. What are some things you won’t do this week? 🍺

No perfect week should culminate in burnout, so talk things out in advance to avoid hitting a low by the time your weekend comes around. 🥱

Script by: Joss Harvey