Audio Journaling as a way to Gain Momentum 🚵‍♀️


One small move. That’s all it takes. 🐾

There is study upon study that attests to the idea that one project, however small it may seem, can be enough to provide the structure that enables life’s extras to fall into place. 🤸‍♂️

Perhaps you have decided to start an online blog, began writing a cookbook, looked into drafting a film script. 🥘📝

Sound these ideas out into your audio journal, we can process more words per minute this way, and the stream-of-consciousness style prevents you from censoring your thoughts. 🗣

Once the wheels are in motion ⚙, you will find that you stop sweating the minor details and let your creativity flow. 🌊

Do you have an idea you’ve been postponing for a while? Is there one thing you would like to change in your life? 🦋

Audio journaling to flesh out any ideas can be your first step in gaining momentum.

Script by: Joss Harvey