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Audio Journaling to Gain Perspective 🤔

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Audio Journaling to Gain Perspective 1 minute audio clip

It is common to experience feelings of guilt when things like job stability, sustainable income, a family unit and a nice home do not quell your anxieties. 🏠😨

Try to remember that sadness, just like happiness, is completely subjective. There will always be somebody ‘happier’ than you, and always somebody ‘sadder’ than you, and these games of comparison do not invalidate how you feel. 🚵‍♂️

Take the energy you put into talking yourself down, and brainstorm ideas that are conducive to releasing endorphins. Each brain is unique, but there are some collective triggers to boost happiness. 🧠

Go for a walk, 🚶‍♀️ have some camomile tea, hug your dog. 🐕

Saying these things aloud can help you realise how achievable and instantly gratifying they are.

Script by: Joss Harvey

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