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7-Day Challenge to Chill - One Flashcard Every Day.

7 days. 7 quick exercises to help you relax, reduce stress, boost your mood, and sleep better!

We’re constantly bombarded by advice on how we should combat stress and navigate chaos. But often this advice can be just as stressful and conflicting: Simply relax! (but also get up and exercise more) Get 8 hours of sleep! (The stress of calculating exactly how many minutes until your alarm goes off will inevitably keep you up at night) Just breathe! (The seems to be an intentionally vague and stressful one)

How can you combat your stress when trying to meditate leads to worrying about what to have for dinner, and your lack of flexibility makes yoga feel like some kind of socially acceptable torture? How can ‘Just breathe’ help you relax when you didn’t know you were breathing incorrectly in the first place?

This is why we’ve created the Seven-Day Challenge to Chill. Seven quick exercises for each day, from simple guided breathing exercises that will help you relax, to advice on how to improve the quality and duration fo your sleep. We’ve broken it down into simple tasks that take only 15 minutes or less each day, are easy to follow, and fully explained so you know how each task is helping you.

Download the seven flashcards so you can keep hold of the challenges and integrate them into your daily routine, creating a unique set of relaxation exercises that will help you chill and avoid burnout for good.

Here’s what to expect for each day:

  • Day 1 - Breathe Out Stress, Breathe in Positivity: A simple breathing exercise with a link to our guided breathing exercise on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

  • Day 2 - 15 Musical Minutes: A little background on how music can help you destress

  • Day 3 - Get Moving: How to get moving everyday

  • Day 4 - Sleep Your Stress Away: Advice on how to improve your sleep quality and duration

  • Day 5 - Time to Get Organised: How decluttering can help you relax

  • Day 6 - Gratitude: An exercise on showing gratitude to your loved ones and yourself

  • Day 7 - Audio Jounaling: An introduction to audio journaling and it’s benefits

Enter your e-mail below to download the seven flashcards!

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