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Harness nature’s cycles to maximise productivity and manage stress

We often perceive our lives as a straight line from start to finish, and with this comes an expectation to consistently achieve more and do better. 

Now, I try to approach life as if it were a continuous cycle, harnessing and utilising different strengths at different stages. Many ancient cultures honour these natural cycles and even plan their year around them; the ancient Celtic calendar is a perfect example of this. Living in this cyclical way, can help us flow with the natural ups and downs of life.

"This is the recipe of life

said my mother

as she held me in her arms as i wept

think of those flowers you plant

in the garden each year

they will teach you

that people too

must wilt




in order to bloom"

––Rupi Kaur

Here are some examples of natural cycles:

• Hormonal cycles / Moon phases

• Annual seasonal cycles 

• Daily solar cycles 

• The breath cycle

These cycles can be mapped out and used as a reference point to enhance productivity at different stages. Different times of the day, month or year can be more conducive to certain activities.

Winter - New moon + Empty breath + Midnight + Days 1-5 of menstrual cycle

Deep rest is key here, ideally we would all be able to rest for 3-5 days a month and potentially most of winter. However, we live in a busy world with many responsibilities. You might try to avoid too many meetings, calls or social commitments . Notice consistent ideas or burning desires that you feel in ‘winter’, we are often able to tap into a more intuitive state at these times. 

Controversial, but try spending at least 15-20 minutes doing absolutely nothing. The simple act of sitting without technology, or even a book is incredibly soothing for the nervous system. If switching off is difficult, try a restorative yoga class or some introspective journaling. 

Spring - Waxing moon + Inhale + Sunrise + Days 6-16 of menstrual cycle

Be willing to put yourself out there at this time. Schedule meetings, social activities and events for when you’re likely to be in an inner spring. Spend lots of time outside, practice vinyasa yoga, jogging and even singing. A really simple and effective practice is to have a spring clean - clear out a wardrobe, drawer or just tidy up! This in itself can help cleanse your space and make room for new beginnings.

Summer - Full moon + Full breath + Midday + Days 17-22 of menstrual cycle

This is when you can enjoy the seeds of your winter so to speak. It’s a great time to get in that HIIT workout, invite friends round for dinner, schedule presentations and work on creative projects. Use this time to try something new, especially if it’s a creative endeavour. Head to that pottery workshop or natural wine tasting you’ve always wanted to attend! Pay attention to how you feel in your inner summer - if you feel exhausted it might be a sign that you over exerted yourself in your winter.

Autumn - Waning moon + Exhale + Sunset + Days 23-29 of menstrual cycle

This stage of the cycle is perhaps the most interesting, in western society this is where PMS, agitation and frustration might show up. It can be freeing to realise that there are great strengths that lie in our inner autumn. You may have a deep urge to be alone and retreat, honour this in any way that you can. Be creative - try free drawing or journalling, simply grab a blank piece of paper and begin to make marks for a set period of time and see what you come up with.

Personally, I struggled with hormonal imbalance, fatigue, low-mood and motivation for many years. I was used to burning the candle at both ends, on my way to adrenal burnout. I then experienced the sudden loss of my father which pushed me into an internal winter.  I was suddenly able to rest, reflect, feel and go inwards. I was called to connect to yoga and meditation, which led me to spending a year in Sri Lanka, living in nature and further recovering from years of burnout. Following this, I live a far healthier and more balanced lifestyle and can intuitively feel when I need to rest.

We don’t all need to experience intense grief in order to harness these cycles. The simple act of resting in your ‘winter’ can allow you to feel more energised and productive in spring and summer. You might not notice a particular order or rhythm within your personal life, it could be as simple as waking up one day and knowing that you need to rest. Living in this way is a continuous journey and it might take a while to tune into your personal cycles. 

I would also recommend delving into the aspect which speaks to you most. If you love nutrition, look into seed cycling, conscious eating, foraging and eating certain foods in different seasons. If you love creating, look into mandalas, painting, intuitive drawing. If you love essential oils and herbs look into different natural remedies according to your inner season. You can also research Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. 

Further reading: 

Period Power

Inner Seasons

Seed Cycling

Traditional Chinese Medicine wheel

Ayurveda dosha cycles

About the author

Jasmine Brand-Williamson is a Biology graduate, yoga teacher and marketer based in Glasgow, UK. She currently dedicates her free time towards exercising, cooking and meditation, and aims to encourage busy people to learn the art of slowing down and resting deeply. 


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