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Audio Journaling Prompts To Calm Your Mind, Plan Your Day, Or Reduce Anxieties

Audio journaling, like written journaling, is a process for self-expression and reflection. It helps us slow down and calm our minds 😎, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that it aids to improve the health of our brains 🧠. In fact, the mental health benefits of journaling are similar to those achieved through meditation and other mindfulness practices 🙏🏼.

To get started, hit “record” 🎙and say whatever comes to mind. It could be a word, a thought, a feeling, or just start with an update of your day ahead. You can also time box your audio journaling time to 10 or 15 minutes and then just let your mind wander. This is known as stream of consciousness journaling or “The Artist Way”. If you prefer, you can also try prompts to guide you.

🎙Audio Journaling To Calm Your Mind Before The Day Starts

  1. How are you feeling today and how is your energy? #mood

  2. What are you the most excited about today? #goals

  3. What are your most important priorities? (max. 5)

  4. Are you nervous or worried about something?

  5. What are your wellness goals today? #selfcare

🎙Audio Journaling To Calm Your Mind After Work

  1. List the priorities you got done today.

  2. What was the best thing that happened to you today?

  3. Did something bother you? Why?

  4. What is one thing you learned or discovered today?

  5. What is something that you wish you had said or done differently?

🎙Audio Journaling For Better Prioritization And Productivity

  1. List everything you got done today. What was the best thing on your list?

  2. How could you have done more of that?

  3. Identify the percentage of “essential”, “self-care”, and “useless” tasks.

  4. How will you reduce the amount of useless tasks tomorrow?

  5. A perfect week will end with ______. List your priorities that can help you get there.

🎙Audio Journaling For Making Big Decisions

  1. What excites me about making this big decision?

  2. What is worrying me about making this big decision?

  3. What is the best that could happen? And how realistic it is?

  4. What is the worse that could happen? And how likely is it to happen?

  5. Why is now the right time to make this decision?

🎙Audio Journaling Your Way To Lower Anxiety

  1. How is your body feeling? Your chest, your breath, your pain, etc.

  2. What is worrying you? Start with the most obvious things.

  3. Choose one worrying element you have control over. Can you change anything?

  4. If what you’re worrying about actually happened, what would you do?

  5. And what is the best possible outcome?

🎙Audio Journaling For Goal Setting

  1. Describe your ideal work life, personal life, and relationship goals in 5 years.

  2. Do you know anyone that has a great life? What’s aspirational about it?

  3. Choose one lifestyle adjustment that would impact your life positively.

  4. Choose one mindset adjustment (i.e. empathy, bravery, practicality, etc).

  5. What are 5 to 10 specific things you can control you would like to do in the next 5 years? #bucketlist

🎙Audio Journaling For Personal Growth

  1. What is one compliment you’ve recently received?

  2. Is that a compliment you would have received a year ago?

  3. What is a unique strength you know you possess?

  4. How can you leverage your strength more often?

  5. Think of a new strength you would like to have in 6 months.

🎙Audio Journaling To Boost Your Positivity

  1. Focus on 5 things or people you got lucky to have in your life.

  2. Remember one very positive or happy moment. Where were you?

  3. Visualize what were you doing, saying, wearing, etc?

  4. If you could do anything and be anywhere today, where would that be?

  5. What is one achievable happy thing you could be doing in 1 month?