Discover your true burnout level and learn how to manage it. 🔥

Trouble sleeping? Burnout is more than a mental and physical breakdown. Early signs include needing coffee to function, lower energy levels, and sighing more than usual. Does it sound familiar? It’s also predictable in 10 questions.👇🏾


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So, what is burnout? 👀

Burnout is a chronic process of exhaustion and stress. When stress sticks around for extended periods of time it damages your health. Over months or years, your body internalizes cynicism, pessimistic thought patterns, and inefficacy caused by being worked too hard without a work-life balance or by working on the wrong thing. Here’s the kicker: it’s not your fault and often times it’s a product of many interrelated root causes.

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It’s not your fault, but it’s definitely your problem. 🥴

 Burnout is associated with a higher risk of death before 45 (other associated health risks include CVD, Type 2 Diabetes, Joint Pain, Headaches, Gastrointestinal issues & Respiratory issues). When you experience symptoms of burnout, you’ve basically trained your body to accumulate more and more tension. What you can do now is train yourself to incorporate relaxation into your daily routine, work on better prioritization, and build resilience.

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And it’s more common than you think. 📣

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50% of sufferers take over 6 months to recover.

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28% of cases lead to broken relationships.

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 There are many factors and stressors that could be causing you to feel burnt out.


If you arrived on this page thinking it was all you, feel free to do a little dance because we’re here to tell you otherwise. While burnout can be caused by subjective individual factors, it is normally as a result of organisational issues. Lack of acknowledgement or reward, unfair treatment, lack of support, overwhelming workload and lack of control are all responsible for leaving you at your wit’s end.

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It’s all good! If you’re here, it means you’re on the road to recovery …


Recognising the symptoms is the first step. The second one is sharing your experience with someone you trust (it will help you realise you’re not alone!). And the third is building resilience through daily practices that support your physical, mental and emotional stress. If you don’t know where to start, get inspiration from our 1-min goal-based guides.

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Don’t forget to visit our Burnout Lab blog for daily mental wellness inspiration. 🌈

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