10 Lockdown Burnout Busters

When the first national lockdown eased toward a very welcome close, I sat down with some friends and family (all appropriately distanced, naturally) to discuss how we all kept ourselves busy and somewhat sane during those months. Although these points came up organically- asking how somebody spent their lockdown did become the primary conversation opener- I found myself seeking out these stories. Especially in circumstances where people were self-isolating entirely in addition to working from home. A profound pattern emerged. When people are pushed to their mental limits, creativity and a whole lot of strength comes into play to push right back. 

Unfortunately, this resulting compilation of ten ways to keep yourself occupied and/or motivated has become crushingly relevant once more to everyone currently enduring another lockdown. I hope that the following list of burnout busters manage to ignite the tiniest spark of inspiration in anyone who’s feeling stuck. I’ll admit they aren’t ground-breaking, but at the very least they might just break the monotony.

1. Learn how to make some really great cocktails. 🍸🍹

This one is great activity for now but also an optimistic one- these skills can be put to brilliant use at future parties. We’ve got to think ahead, right?

2. Declutter your wardrobe. 👗🧥

I know this is universally dreaded but if you’re chasing productivity, the buzz is immense. Also, it’s a great chance to plan some killer outfits while you have the time. Again, let’s think about the future.

3. Invest (and get invested in) some really good board games. 🎲♟

Though, if you’re concerned about things getting a little too real, please stay well clear of Cluedo.

4. Write out some insightful or interesting questions for your friends/ family/ partner/flatmates/ whoever and stage an interview with them. 🎙🕵️‍♀️

What have you always wanted to ask them? Keep in mind however, this is an interview so try not to veer into interrogation.

5. Start a journal or diary. ✍️🗣

You could even write a letter to a future version of yourself to open whenever you see fit. You might start taking pictures that capture your new everyday, in a sort of photo diary. Think of it as being an important artefact or documentation. These are undoubtedly historic times, whichever way you look at them.

6. Tell someone about how you honestly, actually feel. Even for one minute every day. 💬🫂

If talking works better for you than writing- great! This is a prompt for you to do a little more of it, often.

7. Take a virtual class or course in something you’ve always wanted to learn more about. 🎻🧑‍💻💃

Whatever it is, dive in. It’s 2020, you know the drill. Anything goes!

8. Kickstart a book club. 📚

Assemble a circle of people together who are up for the endeavour and choose your first collective read. It’ll get you consuming more literature (always a good thing) and will make for some amazing zoom meetings with a potential for healthy, hilarious chaos (also a good thing).

9. Set yourself goals for the future, whether they’re large or small. 🎯

Short-term or long-term. This could simply take the form of the next day or week’s to-do-list. Or you could go all out and write a comprehensive bucket list. Because if you’re somebody in need of one, it will serve as a reminder that there’s still a place in your lifetime for dreaming big.

10. Swap film and music recommendations. 🍿🎧

It seems like an obvious one but it’s guaranteed to lift you out of a Spotify or Netflix rut. Ask your chosen people what they’ve loved watching lately or their favourite recent album and tell them yours. While simultaneously broadening your entertainment horizons, you’ll feel that little bit closer to the ones you love. I think that’s something everyone needs a little more of right now.

About the Author:

Lucy Cowen rarely runs out of things to say. With a background in fashion, her articles encompass anything from this season’s must-have miniskirts to mental health. Her writing, combined with her work as a personal stylist, all comes down to an unrelenting, lifelong love of clothes and conversations.

Follow Lucy on Instagram: @lucyannecowen

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Burnout and StressLucy Cowen