If you’re happy and you know it 👏🏻


Most of the decisions we make are in the search for happiness and fulfillment. Or at least we think so. But research shows that most of the time our mind plays tricks on us and makes us focus on the wrong decisions. Find out your current happiness index and what you can do to maintain or boost it. The assessment below only has 10 questions!


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Get The Happiness Guide

Learn 6 easy ways to tap into your happiness hormones.

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Happiness Infographic Statistics Happy Assessment Journify



Stop worrying. It’s killing your happiness!

Low levels of happiness are associated with a whole host of negative side effects including a 47% reduction of sleep quality, higher risk of diabetes, lower immune system, digestive issues and high blood pressure. Constant unhappiness increases your cortisol levels in the body, and when left for a prolonged period of time can result in chronic stress and eventually, burnout.

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What Determines Your Happiness Breakdown Statistics Happiness Index Psychology Journify

A growing body of research has linked increased happiness with a longer life span and greater life satisfaction. It has additionally been found to improve physical health through boosting immune functioning, lowering blood pressure and reducing physical pain. Although once thought of as the product of genetics, biology and circumstance, there is mounting evidence to suggest that we have more control than we think.


You have more control than what you think.

You might be thinking, this all sounds great, but how do I implement this in my life?! We can actively increase our happiness with a few simple measures. Practices such as journaling, celebrating little wins, watching a comedy and giving a compliment are just a few, easy ways to increase our happiness. If you need a place to start, discover our audio journaling tips to help you find your flow and boost your happiness! 

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 Happiness chemicals aren’t a fad.

Our unique balance of neurochemicals has been disrupted by our modern lives, making us more prone to depression, anxiety and unhappiness. The four main chemicals in the brain that influence our happiness are dopamine, serotonin, endorphin and oxytocin. When stimulated, we experience responses such as intense reward, natural painkillers, lifted mood and feelings of love. Luckily for us, now we know how to boost them, we can tap back into these ancient biological benefits. Learn more on our blog 👇🏾


 Don’t worry …. be happy…🙄

Definitely easier said than done, but today you took a huge first step. Make sure you’re walking away knowing your current happiness index, understanding the importance of your thought process and mindset (that 40% you can control!), and how you can tap into your happiness chemicals and hormones. Audio journaling 5 minutes per day with the Journify app will also help you channel negative thoughts and start identifying patterns.

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